Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the year-long celebrations of the centenary year of the Malayalam Daily, Mathrubhumi through video conferencing. During the function, the Prime Minister paid tribute to all the leading individuals in the newspaper’s journey, saying that it was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and was born to strengthen India’s freedom struggle.
PM Modi said people of this generation didn’t get a chance to sacrifice their lives during the freedom struggle, but this Amrit Kaal will give us the opportunity to build a strong, developed, and inclusive India. He said, the media has played a very encouraging role in popularizing Yoga, fitness, and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.
According to him, media can amplify efforts to highlight lesser-known events, the unsung freedom fighters, as well as the places associated with the freedom struggle. Exhorting Aatmanirbhar Bharat, PM Modi said, powered by India’s talented youth, our nation is moving towards Aatmanirbharta or self-reliance. Essentially, this principle seeks to make India an economic powerhouse that addresses domestic and global needs, PM Modi concluded.