New Delhi hosted delegation-level talks between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Nepalese counterpart Sher Bahadur Deuba. They discussed ways to further their cooperation agenda and the progress of the India-Nepal partnership during the talks. A number of major projects were launched jointly by Modi and Deuba on the occasion.
A 35-kilometer long passenger train service was formally opened between Jaynagar, Bihar, in India and Kurtha, Nepal. Likewise, the leaders jointly opened the 132 KV Solu Corridor Power Transmission Line and Substation in Nepal built under India’s Line of Credit. They also launched the RuPay Card in Nepal. In the presence of both prime ministers, four MoUs were signed following the talks.
Foreign Secretary, Harsh Vardhan Shringla told the media that the talks between Prime Minister Modi and his Nepalese counterpart were positive, forward-looking, and covered topics such as security, development, and trade. The most significant outcome of the visit, he explained, was in the energy sector. According to him, both sides reached agreement on harvesting, which encompasses the whole spectrum.