On the eve of Women’s Day in Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with winners of the Nari Shakti Puraskar Awards. During his remarks, he commended the awardees for their tremendous work and said that they were contributing to society as well as the country. He said that their work clearly demonstrates innovation. Women have made their mark in every sector and made the country proud, he said.
Prime Minister Modi stated that the government is committed to enabling women to realize their potential. Government is developing policies that identify such potential, he explained. He mentioned that it is imperative that all women be able to participate fully in the decisions at the family level.
During the celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, Prime Minister Modi mentioned the focus of the government on Sabka Prayas. The success of the government’s efforts, like Vocal for Local, depends on the contribution of women. The winners thanked the Prime Minister for giving them a platform to be heard by the country’s top leaders.
During the interaction, the first woman captain in the Indian Merchant Navy, Captain Radhika Menon said that when she travels to another country, people tell her that India has a strong leader. This makes her feel proud of India. The Nari Shakti Puraskar winners later spoke with journalists, praising Narendra Modi’s initiatives for women and his leadership.